Starfield Startup Screen & Spoilers Surfing the Internet Ahead of Release

Starfield Startup Screen

In recent days, the eagerly awaited Starfield has fallen victim to an unfortunate wave of spoilers and leaks. Some individuals, either through breaching their non-disclosure agreements or simply taking advantage of early access copies, have begun sharing details about the game, including the opening 40 minutes. We at IGN want to make it clear that we will not be contributing to this spoiler frenzy. Instead, we want to issue a warning to all fans eagerly awaiting their journey into Bethesda’s first new universe in over 25 years.

Social media, YouTube, and various corners of the internet are buzzing with Starfield spoilers. To protect your experience and avoid having the game’s mysteries revealed before you can explore them for yourself, we advise taking precautions. Consider blocking relevant hashtags and keywords on social media to shield yourself from unwanted revelations.

Starfield’s start screen, while not necessarily a game spoiler in itself, has also found its way into the public eye. It received criticism from a former Blizzard employee, sparking a response from Bethesda’s head of publishing, Pete Hines. His response was marked by strong words, reflecting the studio’s commitment to preserving the excitement and surprise that fans have been patiently waiting for.

The countdown to Starfield’s release is nearing its end, and we hope that all fans can enjoy the game as it was meant to be experienced – without the interference of spoilers. Stay vigilant online, and soon, you’ll have the chance to explore the depths of space and the mysteries of Bethesda’s newest creation for yourself.